Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #60

by - October 29, 2018

Sister Loftice and I at our ward Trunk or treat. This one was the winner for best trunk. haha

Hello Family! 
Its been another great week here in Sparks, Nevada! I am doing so good and enjoying the beautiful fall weather! We had Zone Conference this week and it was so good seeing other missionaries especially my previous companions. We learned a lot about aligning our perspective with Gods. We also were taught how to be more united with our companions. It was good.
We also went on another exchange with the Vintage Hills Sisters, Sister Para and Sister Price! I spent the day with Sister Price in her area! It was lots of fun. 

We met a guy named Paul and his family at the park. We found out that they are going through a really hard time and just lost their home so they were just all hanging out at the park. Hearing about their struggles made me sad but it made me even more excited to share the gospel with them, because I know that it can really help them! We asked if we could share something with them and they said yes! So we opened up to Alma 38:5 and read it with them. its says" that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day."

 We talked how God is our loving Heavenly Father. Why God gives us trials and how they strengthen us, and we testified of how this Gospel can help them have more peace and happiness thru their hard times. It was a cool experience. Paul said he believes in a higher power and we testified to him that there is! That there is a God and that he loves us and wants to help us. Paul cried. We left their family with several copies of the Book of Mormon and invited them read it together. That it contains the fulness of the Gospel and that it can change their lives. We also invited them to come to our ward Trunk or treat/dinner. They thanked us for our message and we left them with a prayer. Its crazy how God led us to them that day! They really needed it!  


We decided to go visit a less active member named Michelle. We went to her home and she was really nice and let us in. She was covered in Tattoos from her neck all the way down to her toes. It was kinda cool. But she said she's been struggling and has been trying to turn to God for help. (We came at the perfect time) but we read a bunch of scriptures with her and prayed with her. She said that she really needed our visit and will be coming back to church! 

Well dangit, Im out of time but this week was great! I am grateful for this chance that I have to serve a mission, and to be able to bring others closer to Jesus Christ. I know that he Lives and this is His church. thanks everyone for your love and support! 
Until next week! 

Treats from Sister Debby Downs Wanlass in the Stake

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