188th Semi Annual General Conference Saturday Morning Session came and gone...

by - October 06, 2018

What a wonderful morning of great spiritual message given from our beloved Prophet Russell M. Nelson. Changes that will take affect ASAP to enforced Home Centered Church, balancing church and home bonding in teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm over joyed with the news. It has enlighten my heart, mind and spirit to know what's important for each of us to structure a Christ centered lives. Every moment of General Conference this morning had me at high alert to focus more on my family and my nieces and nephews. I don't know why I thought of them, but I know that these things of worry and urgency to strengthen myself in mind and body to help be a great influence of good towards them. Everything that has happened in my life thus far has lead me to do my utmost best to follow the Saviors examples and live my life worthy to receive personal revelation from God to know what to do in my life, my marriage and for my family. 
No matter where we are spiritually, we can come close and build our strength in God. We cant do everything by ourselves. We need him more than we know. As I continue focusing on the wonderful talks during this part of session, reflecting on gospel truths, principles, examples, the teachings and members, we need to be better to not go beyond the mark of knowledge of church history and men's interpretations of truths. However we learn or interpret things of truth, we must ALWAYS go to the Lord in humble prayer to know whats true or false. Spirituality is IMPORTANT in growing and learning truth from error. I love that each talk describe whats needed of each of us as God's children, to share, do and experience each day through FAITH, HOPE & CHARITY in Jesus Christ daily. We don't have to be perfect to PRAY. We don't have to be perfect to go to CHURCH. We don't have to be perfect to have a TESTIMONY of Jesus Christ. We don't have to be perfect in FAITH in Jesus Christ. But we should strive to be PERFECT in our LOVE in JESUS CHRIST & the HOLY SPIRIT. Let the Holy Spirit guide each of us to be ONE in HIM and with our family, friends and the world. I pray that we can continue to strive to be better than we were yesterday.

Some key note topics throughout the Morning session:

"new balance between and connection gospel instruction in the home and in the Church."

*Church time schedule changes in 2019
“The Sunday meeting schedule will be adjusted in the following ways, beginning in January 2019,” Elder Cook said. “The Sunday Church meetings will consist of a 60-minute sacrament meeting each Sunday, focused on the Savior, the ordinance of the sacrament, and spiritual messages. After time for transition to classes, Church members will attend a 50-minute class that will alternate each Sunday. Sunday School will be held on the first and third Sundays. Priesthood quorums, Relief Society, and Young Women meetings will be held on the second and fourth Sundays. Meetings on the fifth Sunday will be under the direction of the bishop. Primary will be held each week during this same 50-minute period and will include singing time and classes.”

*Forgiveness is hard but necessary!


*Fear is not new. Fear is every where. We dealt with it daily. But Fear not, the Lord is with you & be not troubled.

*Learn and Link as ONE in Jesus Christ.

*Those who once had spiritual vision can suffer from self inflicted spiritual blindness.

I will try to blog after every session during General Conference to share my thoughts and spiritual joy of Jesus Christ. I encourage anyone to strengthen your FAITH and TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST and be a LIGHT of Good in this dark world. 

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