Elder Iohani Wolfgramm Email #9

by - October 26, 2018

Life here in the Philippines is so much different than America that's for sure

First thing I realized when I landed here at 6am Wednesday morning October 24th, 2018
Is the Humidity! ha I love it so much it's great!

and then when we got all of our luggage, the group of missionaries I went with rode on a bus to the Manila MTC which is in Quezon City, the mission I am assigned to, so thats Astig po! (Awesome)

Oh my gosh, the ride to the MTC was the craziest thing I have ever been on!!!! Literally, theres no laws of traffic here, its just come as you go, and the amazing part of it all is that everyone has like perfect timing, so even though all the cars, motorcycles, jeepneys, and tricyles, even just people walking in front of your car, everyone is just going normally, its the neatest thing to see!

Well, I have fallen in Love with the people already, and I've been here less than 4 days! Everyone pretty much speaks Tagalog and English, and Philippinos have the best food and personalities! ha I know the Lord wanted me to come here, I have already met people that I know I was needed to meet and help them in their lives. Also, my new companion (Oo Kasama) Elder Leavitt is awesome, we were actually in the same district in Utah, Provo, so it was so cool when we were assigned to each other!  

But the people here are truly humble, and they have taught  me that materialistic things don't matter! The people here truly need the Gospel, ask any Philippino no matter what it is, Family, even if they are going through rough times with their family, contentions, or whatever it may be, Family is one of the most important thing in the Philippines!! Jesus Christ is the only one who can offer that, Eternal Families!

Mahal Kita, I love you all!

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