188th Semi Annual General Conference Saturday Afternoon Session recap...

by - October 06, 2018

Amazing words from Men called from God. I know its not an easy thing to watch and listen to spiritual for hours but for me, its a blessing and worth the listen. So many thoughts and feelings came over me when I was writing my thoughts about the afternoon session of General Conference in my journal. And I knew that its important to me to notate what I need in my life and for my future posterity. We sometimes forget the importance of specific things we see or hear is to strengthen our mind and souls. I want to do my best to over come many issues, trails and weakness that I have so I can be a tool of goodness in the Lords work and purpose. I can't stress this enough how we need the Lord in our lives. We are not all meant to be knowledgeable, creative, wise, talented or beautiful to be the Lords servant in his cause. We must all do our best to be in tune with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will lead us to do right and better in our lives. I can testify on the workings of the Holy Spirit. It has manifested many wonderful and insightful things to help my life and others. He heals, mends, and strengthen us all, if we but COME UNTO HIM. There are so many things I wish I was good at, but I was meant to do what I was suppose to do...be a Light to all! I hope to continue to be that light in any way that the Lord leads me to do or to be at. I'm very excited to hear the wonderful words of our amazing women in our General leaderships of the church.

Highlights of the afternoon session:

*If we remain firm and steadfast in our Faith in Jesus Christ...come what may...we will be so converted that it can not be undone.

*Seek the Lord's help in loving others as He loved you.

*Attempt to be creative even if the results are modest.

*Faith and Compassion can encourage us to remember perfection is in Christ, not in ourselves or in the perfectionism of the world.

*The Savior's name has singular and essential power. By taking upon ourselves the name of Christ, we commit to take His teachings, His characteristic and ultimately His love deep into our beings so that they become part of who we are. - Elder Pieper

*Even when you think you are not lovable, God reaches out to you and he desires to sweep away the darkness and bring you to the light. All that truly Believe, Love and Do, experiences the same. - Elder Urchdorf

*"The members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints are also painfully imperfect. Thy make mistakes. From time to time they say things they shouldn't. They do things they wish they hadn't. They are trying to get it right. They Believe. They Love. They Do." - Elder Deiter F. Urchdorf #GeneralConference

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