Elder Grant Wolfgramm Email #35

by - September 17, 2017

Hey so this week was basically a big bag of mixed emotions it was gonna be good but things ended up turning upside down... One of our investigators the one I've talked about a couple of times in some of my past emails who was doing super good ended up not getting baptized... One of the reasons being her Grandma at the last minute was like postpone the baptism! But yup I guess that may have made our investigator mad or something because sadly she ended up running away and is staying somewhere else for the time being. To be honest that was made my week kinda sad... But we had a fun Branch Activity this last Saturday and it was a blast I love being with all the members here on Yap and plus we had a couple investigators show up too! (Besides the one that ran away) But yeah well I hope yallz had a better week than I did! Hopefully things will be better this next week! I know the Savior has a plan for each and every one of his children and I hope all things can work out! Alright much love to yallz! OFA ATU!!

P.S. I got some pics! So enjoy!

Carry on, Elder Wolfgramm 

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