Best news ever!

by - September 03, 2017

This evening I received the best news dad secretly surprised me with a call informing me that he is on a road trip to Utah from Las Vegas! As I was at home hosting my husband's sister and her husband, my Dad called me and told me that I have a big surprise package arriving on Monday. At first I was confused since Monday is Labor Day and every post office or delivery services are closed. I thought to myself, what could it be? And than he told me to check my family Life 360 phone tracker. So I checked it and notice that my Dad's phone locater said I-15 Las Vegas. I was like wtf!!!! Is this right? So I asked my dad, are you in Vegas and he said yeah! Than I asked him what's he doing in Vegas, he said road trip. Once he said road trip and he was heading north, I kind of knew where he was heading. I got so excited and asked him if he was coming to Utah and he said, Surprise! Man the joy in my voice is slightly the excitement of how I really feel right about now! Its been about 2 years since my dad came to Utah to visit us and this is special. I miss my dad a lot and my life has been tough for me the past 2 years so seeing my dad in a few hours is exciting. My sister Juanita and my brother Henry dont know that my Dad is coming. This is going to be an AWESOME week! I can't wait to hug him so tight and be spoiled by his undivided attention. Happy, happy, joy, joy! This is the best blessing by far this year!!

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