Stake Leadership Training

by - January 15, 2023

Tonight we had a Stake Leadership Training to update every ward in every auxiliary for teaching, studies, and planning purposes. In every auxiliary, we met in different rooms to discuss this year's goals, activities, teaching, and leadership discussions on how to maintain or change ways to minister & bring our numbers up for attendance in membership. Since I am in the Youth or Young Women auxiliary, the Stake Young Women president expressed to us about this year's Stake youth activities, teaching plans, or scheduling with you and FSY (For the Strength of Youth). They will email us all that was discussed tonight so that we can be organized in our wards. Once all that was discussed, we met up with the Young Men auxiliary and further talked about FSY and how to plan things out for our youth that are 14 - 18 years old and want to participate this year in FSY. I am glad our Stake gets to participate but this is something I know our YW Presidency has to plan out and discussed with our youth and their parents. Anyways it was good training and I am looking forward to this year as a youth leader and for our youth. It's gonna be awesome. Oh, and our Stake YW Presidency brought yummy snacks for us afterward. My favorite was the cookies!

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