The Snow storm is bad that Church was canceled

by - January 01, 2023

Everyone knew that this New Year weekend snow storm would be bad. To some it don't look it but it is. To the point that Church was canceled due to the weather. Mika had to go in to our ward building for his Bishopric meeting and that's when he text me that the roads were really bad with thick snow and that our Stake President Fineaganofo notify all the Tongan wards in our South Stake that for safety reason to have church canceled. I was really worried when Mika had to leave this morning and thinking about other ward members driving in the snow, since many live far from the our ward building. So my prayers were answered when Mika text me the news. Anyways, I hope you all are safe and warm at home or wherever you are. Take care and I'll post more simple and uplifting things to come.

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