Slow cooked Beef Chuck Roast

by - January 05, 2023

I was up early this morning finishing up editing some short videos of random moments throughout the years and wanted to post it on YouTube for our family to enjoy. Prepping the food to go into the crock pot took a moment to prepare. Cutting the onions, celery and carrots to put into the pot was easy to do. I did was all the veggies especially the small potatoes. The beef roast was sitting out until it was room temperature. You don't have to have the beef room temperature but that's just me. Add all of the meat and veggies in the pot with 1/2 cup of hot water minced garlic and your favorite blend of spices. For Me I added some beef mix spices, smoked paprika, salt and black pepper. Once that is set, cook the roast for 8 hours on low, you are good to go. After many hours have gone by, the roast was done and ready to serve. It was tender and delicious. Mika said that it was flavorful and tender. I'm glad to know that it was yummy even though I can faintly taste it. Give this a try, find a recipe that you like and go and do it. Happy cooking everyone!

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