Youth Activity: Mall Scavenger Hunt

by - January 17, 2023

Tonight we had a combined youth activity at the Fashion place mall. Bishop Otuafi had another activity planned for us to go to the Family History Center to do some genealogy but the scheduling at the center has a few mix up so we are scheduled for another time. So the Bishop came up with a cool quick activity for the you at the mall. We had a great turn out and the kids had a fun time running around the mall trying to figure out what was Bishop's favorite store from the clues that whoever finds out gets a treat. The kids figured out his favorite place, it was Orange Julius. Our treat for the evening was from Orange Julius. The leaders were in charged of taking photos of the stores and clues to prove that we went to the right place. I however took both photo and video. This week I will put this video together for our Ward Facebook page. Anyways its been a cold and snowy night and I have a ton of other videos to finish up. Good night!

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