Young Single Adult Planning Meeting

by - January 30, 2023

Mika and I had the privilege of hosting Si'i and Taheera for the YSA planning meeting. In our ward there are a lot of YSA that don't come to church or are not active. Mika is in charge over this auxiliary. So his main thing he wanted to do is to help, encourage and strengthen our YSA. By doing that, this meeting was to get together with a few of the representatives for our ward and plan out monthly and weekly activities. Finding what works for their schedules and to inform them that they are in charge of putting these things together. We are here to be of assistance and to over see what they plan for Sunday school, Family Home Evening, Institute and other activities. These two young ladies are amazing. They have what it takes to make our YSA a success. I know the Lord will bless and help them throughout this process. Our hope is to strengthen them and build up our YSA that they would want to come to church and not feel left out or feel that they don't have a place. Lord please continue to be with Mika and I but more importantly, the YSA and reps in our ward.

Hot Chocolate Shake

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