Bacon Corn Chowder, that's what for Dinner!

by - January 25, 2023


Making chowder tonight was one of the quickest thing I did by far this week. I didn't get much sleep and I had to make something to eat, since my brother was bringing some food from the food bank later on tonight. So after being awaken from my nap, I quickly looked through my pantree to see what to make. And that's when I saw the baby potatoes on my counter and immediately thought of chowder. I got the potatoes chopped and boiling, frying the bacon, mixing the liquids to make the base soup. Whipped it all together and like magic, food was done right on time. 

This weekes food Henry brought was a lot of good brands and good meals. I can't wait to eat some White Castle burgers I got from my brother. It will go perfect with the fries I got last week. Make due what you got, right?!? 

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