A new change and a new beginning for us

by - July 08, 2024


This post is something different and unique for me to express. Honestly I do not know much about this program and it has been a bit uneasy for me to comprehend. But this is a new leap of faith type of change that my husband, Mika is getting into. It is uneasy for me because we are usually conservative about finance, but this risk is something that the both of us agree to jump into for a better future. Others may think that we are stupid for taking a risk. But Mika and I thought about it and also prayed to God on this matter. If we don't take a risk in our lives, we may never really progress where we want to be in or at. So as this journey begins and Mika has never been so dedicated in this process, we pray and hope for better change and blessing for us and also to our family. May the Lord bless our every efforts in this financial journey.

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