Sister Alema Atuaia email: My hands are rated E for Everyone 😇👊🏽

by - July 29, 2024


What it is family,

Just like the subject of this email is written, that is exactly how I feel right now. 🤭😅 Turns out it's just anger problems all around

from all sides of my family. My Tongan side and my Samoan side. AHAHAHA.

The common themes in my life have been patience and loving thy neighbor. I've been having a hard time not wanting to cuss people out or throw hands at them. Mostly other missionaries. Imagine 💀🤣

My main message for this email is how grateful I am for repentance. It truly is a divine gift. A gift we are able to receive into our lives the more we sincerely use and apply it. EVERY DAY SINCE I HAVE BEEN OUT HERE, I have needed to repent. It truly shows us how amazing and loving our Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ, is. True repentance allows us to change into the people we were meant to become. Which is more like our Savior. When you know you're in the wrong, just repent right then and there. That's another thing. Repentance isn't something to save only for your prayers in the morning or at night. But at any moment you know it's needed, just do it. 

I can promise you that as you do these things, you will not only feel tons better but also grow to be someone better. You will tend to not think of yourself often, but more of others and what you can do for them. Your love for your neighbor will come naturally instead of something you're trying to force and just go through the motions to do and get it over with.

I invite you to act on the invitation we've been extended by our Prophet Russell M. Nelson for his birthday. Reach out and minister to "the 1". Okay. Yeah fa, love yall. ❤️ 

Woodlands Usoz. 🤟🏽

The Siwila family. 🫶🏽 They always feed us every Sunday.

Me & Angelo (2nd Born Gang Gang lol) playing Mortal Kombat 😅

Bauleni Tingz

Sister Wungz ❤️

Sister Pepa ❤️

1st Zone Conference in da bag 🎒 

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