Elder Maikeli Wolfgramm email: ELDER WOLFGRAMM💙

by - July 14, 2024

 Malo etau mau hoata ni kaiga ofeina!

Another week down here in in Uiha/Felemea and not too much but a great week overall! 
Tuesday me and my comp went to this women's  (Lata) house who we were told by some members that she might be interested in the gospel. So we went to her home to talk with her and asked if shed be interested in hearing about the gospel sometime. She told us yes so we planned to meet with her thrusday and we arranged to do it at some members house who are her friends. This was a huge blessing because we had been praying/fasting to find someone to teach on this small island it'd also be mine and my comps first teaching here in Felemea since this is also his first area. A member had told us they haven't had a baptism here in over 4 years!! I understand why but just hearing that made me and my comp very determined!! We met with her Thursday and just talked and tried to understand what her beliefs and needs were. We ended up teaching about the Savior Jesus Christ and then sharing about and a verse from the Book of Mormon. It went great, the spirit was very strong, and the member we had with us was also able to add and share her testimony. And we we will be teaching her about the restoration today!! Every chance I get to share the gospel brings me pure joy and I guarantee it for you as well. This week as were at a members house I had the opportunity to give a blessing to this sick women. Before I came to Uiha I had not given 1 blessing on my mission. Since I got here I've given 6 blessings. Part of that reason was because I wasn't confident doing it in Tongan but I made it my goal to be prepared when the opportunity came. One of the expirences when I blessed this man I said things that I know it was the Lord speaking through me becuase I was not sure how to use those kind of words in Tongan. Afterwards the man was in tears and asked me how I knew to say the things I said. I told him those were Lord's words not mine. We finished off this week with a putu (funeral) and when putus happen on these small islands everybody attends that also means a lot of food. Also friday morning me and Elder Aiono were able to teach all the kids for 1 hour at the small school here and that was cool (fakasiasi) I guess we will be doing that every Friday morning. We taught about the plan of salvation, sang, and then played a game with all of them. Friday evening we were able to help them prepare food for Saturdays putu. By a lot of food I mean 2 cows, multiple pigs, lots of chicken and lamb haha. Saturday we attended the putu, they were members of the Weslyn church so always neat to attend and expirence stuff like that to see the way they do things.

That was pretty much it for this week! I know this gospel is Jesus Chrsit, the only begottens gospel. Because of the restoration through the prophet Joseph Smith we have the fulness of his gospel. I testify this is the only church here on earth that has the true authority and power of Christ.  Love and miss you all - Elder Wolfgramm ❤️

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