I am glad to work in the House of the Lord today

by - July 26, 2024


Another week has gone by and my mind is focused on my duty today in the Temple. Last day for Mika and I to be part of officiating the 4:30 Endowment session. This time we were able to sit in the back and be the assistance. I do enjoy watching the session when I have to work. Because at times you catch something spiritual that you didn't noticed before. For me this session reminded me of the importance of my covenants to the Lord and why I need to make it a real priority to live my life according to the promise I made to become his disciple but to make it back to Heaven, worthily. As we continue to be the best we can be, obey and follow the commandments, the council of the Holy spirit and God's servants with humility and faith. I know that my life was for nothing, but worth everything to be with my loved ones and God again. This will take time but fervent persistence of the time given to me on this earth. Please do not take your time on this earth for granted. Utilize it for good, healing and peace. It is worth it. Not only to yourself but to your family and others. May we continue to do our best daily to be better individuals and true disciples of Jesus Christ.

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