Sister Alema Atuaia email: Mission is Missioning 😤

by - July 22, 2024

 Muli Shani,

Y'all, this past week was harder than the last one. 🤣 In a way, it was good. Each week I'm going through things that really test my patience AHAHAHA. Whether that be the people we're teaching, members, other missionaries, etc. Also being called Chinese, Filipino, White, and a new one this week, Black-Indian. It lowkey gets annoying at times 💀😂 but again, it ain't about me. Mission life really does change you and push you to all the extremes, but I know it's to better help us to become more like our Savior and for life after mission as well.

I'm very grateful for these challenging times when teaching people who could honestly give a rat's muli about what we came to teach and would rather interrogate us about everything we do as missionaries. 💀 For example, there was one man who we came to teach a lesson but instead he was lowkey Bible bashing us from the get. He kept asking me questions and when I tried to answer, he'd cut me off so after getting cut off once, I stayed quiet. 🤫 Silence is DEADLY y'all LOL. I know this man tried to be nicer to me because I was quiet the whole time and he could tell it was either me being quiet or throwing hands with him .👊🏽 My vibe was for reals like we can either have the Holy Spirit or some other spirit. AHAHAHA 🤣 We live and we learn from these experiences and I'm glad I went through this. Mission ain't always gonna be fun and happy. There are those times, like this one, that will test you but I know these experiences are the most life-changing ones for our spiritual growth. 

Overall, with whatever we go through, it's always important to help others feel of Heavenly Father's love for them. Even if they're difficult. I know when we do that, we forget about whatever it is we're struggling with and we focus on what is most important. That Heavenly Father loves us all and knows each of us individually even when we don't show the same back for Him. Our Savior is truly the best example to follow and become like, everyday.

One thing I invite y'all to do is to study more about the Plan of Salvation which is also the Plan of Happiness or Plan of Redemption. This is a lesson that is so powerful when we teach people. It not only touches them, but us as missionaries as well. It shows of the most amazing and incredible love our Heavenly Father has for us all. Especially because of our Savior, Jesus Christ, who is our great Redeemer. God loves us so much that he provided a plan for us to follow to return back to him and our Savior. I promise as you study and apply this Plan in your life, you will feel the most genuine happiness this world cannot offer. 🙌🏼

Love you all, stay blessed, and take care. Yeah Fa ❤️ 

We had exchanges this past week and I was with my STL, Sister Alofipo 🇼🇸. Sis was dying with me because I had to lead her in our area, and I still don't know where to go AHAHAHA 😂 Keep eatingggg

Bauleni Sunsets 🙌🏼

Me & Sister Pepa. We live in the same flat and her laugh kills me everytime ahahaha 😂

P-Day Shenanigans 🤪😂

Sister Wungz = my personal photographer 📸 okayyy 😂

Sister Wunganai ❤️ Homegirl always got me laughing. 🇿🇼 

Card games >>> Sports because.... it's too hot out here. "I'm tired of this grandpa." IYKYK 🤣🤣🤣

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