Elder Maikeli Wolfgramm email: INVITE/FAKAAFE 🫂

by - July 03, 2024


Good afternoon family and friends I am writing my email a bit late because there was a rain storm last weekend that took out all the network in Haapai anyways here's an update! 

Last week was the ward conference here in Uiha and I guess the ward conferences here is more then just sacrement meeting. Afterwards they had planned a big eating in the cultural hall. Also that meant that all the stake presidency would be coming over from the main island here in Haapai. They ended coming over from the main island with all their families and it was cool because they slept at the chapel in the classrooms. They got here Friday evening before the rain came in. Welp Saturday me and my companion had planned to invite as much people as we could to church since the conference was the following day. We even fasted that day that we could have at least one of our invites come to church. We had a goal to extend 15 invites. I know it doesn't seem like much but trust on this island it is! The only problem was that a rain storm had just come in but we were determined to make our invitations that day so we found some umbrellas and got to work. We went out and invited everyone we could see that had their door open. At the end of the day we ended  up inviting over 20 people!! We had already invited over our goal and were about to head home but we had seen some lady (Lata) with her two kids swimming on the beach in the rain. (I know that sounds Lil crazy but yeah that's how the Tongans are lol) Me and my comp were going to just turn around and head back but then we heard a "Hey you guys over there come eat". I guess they were also eating a fish they had just caught haha! A lot of times this mission does not feel real!!  I nicely declined and after having a good conversation they were the last people we invited, they were also the first that hapily said they would forsure  come!  This just shows that at any place or time the Lord's work is always there and ready (D&C 4:4)we just need to our part to and INVITE!! Family, friends, whoever is reading this I challenge you all to invite 1 person to church this weekend!!! Sunday morning rolls around and 5 minutes before sacrement meeting starts I see Lata and her two children walking in just as they said! There ended up being them and 1 other women that we invited who showed up. This was an answer to our prayers. After a beautiful ward conference/ Sacremrnt meeting we had a great big feast. I am so blessed to be working here and I thank the Lord every day. Oku ou loto houngia pea lau ko ha tapuaki eni. Teu ngaue ke Ikuna, Ikuna ke fiefia, fiefia 'O ta'engata.  Miss and love you all ofa atu Elder Wolfgramm. 🇹🇴

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