Potato spam and eggs breakfast

by - July 27, 2024


Woke up this morning hoping to have a better day than yesterday. So far its ok, but it could be better. Mika got up and started his day doing his new job and I slowly made my way to make something for the both of us to eat. Living on a budget has been a big part of my life, but seeing how the inflation is around the nation, its been a bit more of a struggle. That is why I am trying my best, with the limited skills I do have in cooking, to make something good and delicious. Half of the time I am making the same kind of meals since that is what I kind of know how to make. At least I try to mix things up, right? Well today I made country potatoes with spam and eggs skillet style breakfast. Thank goodness that I had some frozen chopped potatoes in the freezer, it makes things a bit easier to have some starch in a meal. After cutting up some spam for some meat and cracked a few eggs into the pan with the potatoes and spam, boom I created a yummy meal. So far it taste good with a few seasoning and ketchup. Mika seems to like it and I made enough that we aren't both starving. hehehe. I hope that you have a wonderful and safe weekend wherever you are. Happy cooking everyone!

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