Spiritual Thought in the Temple: Working in the Temple on a super hot summer day & Hymn 309

by - July 19, 2024


When you work at the Temple, you will realize that even on a crappy day like today being super hot. The inside is cool and comfortable. You feel the spirit of the Lord and it will put you into a good mood. This happens to me every week that I go to the Temple. You take the time to sacrifice a portion of your time to be helpful towards those around you. Like greeting patrons when entering the House of the Lord. Helping patrons find where to go to rent clothes or the office to print out family name cards or to find the dressing room. A few times I direct people where to find the Sealing office, the Chapel before the session, and even to the Celestial room. When we as Ordinance workers come for our shift that day, we gather together and have a prayer meeting to set the right tone and spirit before we being our shift. That we are updated with any changes, policies, reminders, trainings and spiritual thought to better help us do our part well every week in the Temple. We want to better serve the patrons and do our best to help in any way in the Lords work in his house. There are many great and wonderful experiences happen in the Temple for the development and spiritual growth for everyone. I am grateful to be part of this great work. It helps me stay faithful, humble, loving and compassionate towards my brethren. I may not be perfect but through Jesus Christ and his glorious work in the Temple, helps me to become perfected in Him through his work and through the atonement. This gospel is not a hard gospel to be in. It is only hard when you make it hard on yourself and in your life. When you let the negative/Satan get into your mind, heart and lives, he will do everything in his power to make sure that you don't like what the gospel can do for you in your life. That is why so many people let other peoples opinions distort or distract what is good in your life, especially the gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. Too many people let history, other peoples bad experiences, inaccurate statements and false practices determine what is truth about this church that I belong to which can break a persons testimony of real facts and truth. When people don't do their due diligence of finding real truth through personal and humble prayer, researching through solid real sources, they will find it. But when they set their minds to what they think is true, they wont receive a true revelation from God. Satan will set your heart and mind to what you want to believe and then you will never really know what is right. Jesus Christ does not dwell or teach with contention, that is Satan. So the next time someone is being contentious about religion or things that are good in the Holy Spirit or even in conversation, they have the Spirit of Contention which is point blank period the influence of Satan. That is why I post things about good things that matter to me that can be spiritually uplifting and not degrading. There will be moments where I will post my thoughts and it may come off negative. It is because releasing the negative out of my system and circling back to positivity, is beneficial to the body, mind and soul. To me that is why it is important to post my daily or weekly life journey of things spiritually good on my blog, because it provides something good that could help someone out in the world with Christ centered things to help their lives and have peace. May this post and every other wholesome post of the gospel of Jesus Christ bless you and all who may find it with joy and peace.

This hymn message stood out to me during preparation meeting. It is found on page 309 of the hymn book.

As Sisters in Zion

As sisters in Zion, we’ll all work together;

The blessings of God on our labors we’ll seek.

We’ll build up his kingdom with earnest endeavor;

We’ll comfort the weary and strengthen the weak.

The errand of angels is given to women;

And this is a gift that, as sisters, we claim:

To do whatsoever is gentle and human,

To cheer and to bless in humanity’s name.

How vast is our purpose, how broad is our mission,

If we but fulfill it in spirit and deed.

Oh, naught but the Spirit’s divinest tuition

Can give us the wisdom to truly succeed.

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