Elder Maikeli Wolfgramm email: Mission Tour

by - July 07, 2024

Malolelei sieku famili ofeina. This past week me and my comp jumped a boat Wednesday morning to eventually do our Zone conference/ Annual  mission tour Friday and Saturday in the main island of Ha'apai. The mission tour is when once a year a general authority comes to your mission. This past week Elder Meurs came who is the Area 70 of all the pacific. When we arrived I guess all the missionaries from the outer islands were there so they had arranged stuff for us to do till Friday. Wednesday night we had the opportunity to do basically a fireside at the prison in Ha'apai with all of us missionaries and that was a really cool experience. We eventually had our Zone conference with Elder Meurs  and that was really great I learned lots of good stuff. One of the things that stood out to me last weekend was that "The gathering of Israel is the greatest and most important working taking place on earth today." Quoted from the living prophet Russel M Nelson. I attest that it is true. No other greater experience then doing this work. It was a super good zone conference I got to see some friends even some from back home like Elder Rass. Always good to see President Kaufusi and his wife.  Anyways just a quick update on this week. I am writing this email as water is splashing in my face on our boat ride back to our island Uiha haha. I love it here everyday and am so grateful. Ofa atu kimoutolu!! 


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