Elder Maikeli Wolfgramm email: ELDER WOLFGRAMM 🤍

by - July 28, 2024

Malolelei eku famili ofeina! 

No update last week but that's because we had went to the main island here in Haapai (Pangai) we had went over to get our money for this month and do some shopping. Whenever we go over there we usually stock up on stuff since there is no stores over here. Well there's one little stand at our bishops house but that's it here and it's expensive!! While we went over they were running transfers last week so there was a lot of new missionaries in Haapai, it was fun seeing them... Thankfully me and my comp are staying here in Uiha!! (At least for now lol never know with this mission haha). Anyways we got back from Pangai Wednesday night! Friday I got this suitcase don't even know how it made it here to Uiha but it was from my family back home S/o to my mom and Grandma Vake for bringing it to Tonga. I got BLESSED 😇🙏with all the snacks from back home Maan you guys don't know how much I've been missing my candies and chips. Count the blessing to be in states!! There was even some new white tees that ive been wanting and cool ties including a special tie from my uncle genes funeral RIL Unk. But yea ofa lahi atu Mom😘.Swear that was our christmas morning here!! Last I updated we were teaching a 27 yr old women named Lata and unfortunately she left to Tonga and not sure when she'll be back but hopefully soon so we can continue to teach her the Gospel! Oh yea not sure If I ever mentioned but I am still training my comp Elder Aiono who is from Orem Utah so that's been kinda fun teaching him the ways and also being able to help a lot with his language. I'll sometimes put him on the spot and ask to share something if we are at a members home or just visiting haha he'll give me that look but afterwards thanks me. I sometimes kinda wish I was comped with a native to really help my language progress but it's actually surprising how much we both have progressed and I think that's because the responsibility is all on us and I have no one to lean back on. Someone back home had recently asked me what our everyday schedule looks like out here so I thought I'd share... Every morning 6:30 me and Elder Aiono are up brushing our teeth getting ready to do our workout. Lol since we both are planning to play football after the mission we take our physical strengthing just as serious as we do spiritual!! It's really a blessing to be comped up with him. Anyways we hit our workout by 7 we usually rotate between Arms, legs and core then finish with sprints(yes everyday)! Oh yea a member gave us a dumbell so that's been nice to have! We finish by 8:30 shower(Bucket showers only here on this island!). We do our personal study, Comp study we then go to our fafanga usually around 11:30 which we are blessed to have members that will feed us everyday here. Also lucky to be eating all the seafood like my favorite Ota ika🤤 but I've tried some crazy stuff like Turtle, shark, whale and Sea urchint!! Lol the members are actually pretty surprised with the stuff I'll eat haha. We then usually try and find work wether just visiting members or service. We've luckily been able to do a lot of different kind of service here! After finding some work for the day we will usually finish the day off playing pickle ball since everybody plays every night at the chapel we are staying at lol so be ready when I get back haha. And that's pretty much it for a regular day to day. If theres one big thing I've earned out here is to be consistent and that the Lord sees our efforts!! We could so easily stay home all day, sleep, swim and do whatever. But I did not come out here to waste 2 years of my life. I hit 8 months out today and it's crazy how much in little time I've changed, grown spiritually, and come to know my Savior. I thought id share this awesome experience from Saturday this past week. We had went to visit this man's home "Mosese Fakatou" my grandpa's first cousin!! He had just got back from Tonga so this was my first time meeting him. He was very surprised the minute he saw my last name. We had a great conversation he told me so much about our family history and stuff about my great grandparents who I never really knew. He then went inside to grab a folder... The folder was full of notes all from my great grandma Salote with her handwriting. The minute we had got to his home I had felt her spirit.I also had the opportunity to see the home here in Felemea where she was raised!! There is nothing more special then working on land where your ancestors are from especially  this island becsuse it is paradise. I am forever grateful for this opportunity to be serving in the Lord's vineyard here in Uiha/Felemea. Miss and Love you all!! Kou ma'u ofa lahi atu kiate kimoutolu -Elder Wolfgramm!!🫡 


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