Sister Alema Atuaia email: PATIENCE 🫠😇😅

by - July 15, 2024


Uli Bwa fam,

Long story short, I really hate writing emails lol 💀 I had no desire to write anything but here I am writing y'all so heawiko.

Since my last email, I would say that patience has been a big thing going on for me right now. Patience with myself, my companion, the people we are teaching, my personal study, how mission goes, and shoot, pretty much patience with everything and anything. 🤣 Everyday I am more and more amazed and grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ. There's a reason why "Patience" is a Christlike attribute. Our Savior was perfect in every way, and it is only through Him that we can become as perfect as we can be on this Earth.

To be honest, this past week was hard. It was hot (idk what kind of winter season this is bruh AHAHA) and many times I wanted to throw hands with people around me (the ATUAIA TEMPER is REAL y'all 😂). I was for reals like, "these hands are rated E for Everyone..." but the Lord is ever so merciful to his children. Especially those with anger management issues like me, wehhh. 🤦🏽‍♀️💀 I'm grateful for the Savior's infinite atonement that helps me always try and strive to become better through my weaknesses.

As I said, this past week was hard but there were more blessings than trials. As we focus on the positive, our focus and spiritual vision becomes more connected with God's purpose for us. The blessings this week for me would be the members in this area. I'm so grateful for the members in the Libala ward we're in. Especially the Siwila family. They always feed me and my companion the best food and make us feel at home. It got to the point that when we visited them on Sunday for dinner, me and my companion shared our testimonies and both started crying 😭🤣. I know we are set apart as missionaries, but I for reals can testify that the strongest missionaries we have in the church, are the members. So if you've read my email this far, I invite you to have the missionaries over to your house. Not for them to come bless you, but for you to bless them like the Siwila family did for me and my companion. 🙏🏽❤️ TRUST ME, I was the worst person ever because anytime the missionaries would come over, I would go hide upstairs and wait for them to leave the house. 🤦🏽‍♀️💀🤣🤣🤣 Don't be like me, be better than me. THANK YOU.

Overall I am grateful for this gospel, the members of the true church of God, those we teach and their desire to learn, and especially my Savior Jesus Christ. May we have more patience in our lives to focus on the positive, especially during our hard times. I love you all, especially my family. Yeah fa 👋🏽❤️

My District. Gang gang 🙏🏽💪🏼

We passed all this art on the side of the road and when I was taking a picture with it, this man wanted to be in the picture. I have no idea if he was the artist or a random dude. 💀🤣 But his handcuffs got me dead cuz whyyyy??! Ahaha

Me and companion with the heart in the tree.🫶🏽 Always choose love and when people hate, love the haters. 🤣 

Went to the salon to get my hair braided cuz why my forehead 50 different shades of brown?! 💀🤣😭🤣 yeah so, I needed my hair out of my face y'all. But tell me why when the lady was blow drying it to air dry it out it got so straight that I look like Beetlejuice KALOFAE AHAHA

Okayyyy, shoutout to Sharon & Mercy... Especially Sharon, for getting me right. 🔥


My favorite piece from the art on the side of the road. 🙌🏼

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