Eclipse dreams and thoughts

by - July 24, 2024


Okay, So I wanted to share A little bit of my two dreams that I had in the past month. My first dream that I had about this particular type of event. It was the night before the 20th of June. 

I had a dream about a particular phenomenal event, and this event is about an eclipse. But prior to me seeing this eclipse, I was with two other women. We were trying to go somewhere. I'm not quite sure where it was but it seems like we were in a rush. As we tried to go to this particular destination, I noticed the sky started to get dark, but the two other females kept on walking. We were speed walking to this destination. So, I turned around and I noticed there was an eclipse. It was so beautiful. It was like a sunset view of an eclipse happening. And when I noticed it, I turned around to see if the two other women saw the eclipse and they weren't paying attention. I don't know their names, but I just called out to them in my dream,  and they turned around, that is when they noticed the eclipse and were amazed. It was a very beautiful view. But I had that sense of urgency in my body, in my dream, like something was important, but I didn't know what and why was I so anxious? And Then my dream kind of turn into A variety of weird scenarios that I wasn't quite sure what was happening but it was happening so fast. Then I remember just waking up.

 Than a month later, which is today. July 24th, the night before, which was July 23rd. I had another dream of an eclipse, but in both dreams, when I had seen these eclipse, they turned into lunar eclipse. So now this dream that I had recently last night, I was going somewhere but I noticed my surroundings did not have many people around the city. It just kind of looks like Los Angeles to me. It was in the evening time or it just looked like the sun was setting going into the evening. I noticed there were a few other people around me, but I didn't know who they were. And we all were traveling somewhere. My dream seemed like I'm trying to get somewhere, but I'm not quite sure where I was going. And prior to the evening time, I was going through the city, but it seemed deserted. But I noticed a few just people here and there like walking around town, but they seem very suspicious. Meaning Like they were almost hiding from something. They're out in plain sight but trying to not be seen. I was with another person. A black female. Not quite sure who she was, but she knew who I was. All I remember was that myself and the woman was trying to get somewhere, a hidden place. I did not know exactly where this place was located. But it was a place that not many people know of and so we were trying to get there fast. For a split moment, I realized that I was on top of this really high building. You can see the view of the city. And the city looked together but almost like it's decaying. Like it's been years since any upkeep was done or something almost post apocalyptic. So, when I was on top of this building, I knew that I had to get down to the lower level. But it was just way too high, and I was feeling a little anxious. But I knew if I jump off, I'm gonna die. At the same time something was telling me " You have powers. Just use your powers. You will survive!" And I didn't know what kind of powers I had. So right on the edge of the building, I just kind of sat on the edge and then slowly made my way down. It looked like it was like a 500 or a thousand feet drop or something because it was a long drop. As I was going down, I was going down like as if I'm floating downwards. It was kind of weird and I had to get down from one building to another in order to get to the lower streets. And so I saw this woman that was with me and she had the ability to walk on the walls. She looked like Spider-Man just walking literally on the wall walking down and I just kind of glide and floated down which was kind of weird. As I was doing that, we got to the ground and all of a sudden when we were on the streets, it went from day to night. But then when I looked and turn around to the other side of the building, I notice that the reason why it went from day to night, because there was an eclipse. I was like, oh wow, how cool is that! I was amazed by it. Eventually, when I turned around to see if the woman was still with me, she wasn't. Vanished. Gone. Nobody was around me. I was the only one noticing this event. When the eclipse was in totality, then all of a sudden a went dark as it usually would. But then it turned into a lunar eclipse, like it, literally, turned dark into night and then I saw the stars. Then the moon that was blocking the sun and the moon just kind of lit up like a lunar eclipse, and so it just kind of just transferred from solar to lunar in an instant. I was amazed by this quick change, and it reminded me of my first dream I had a month ago. When I was with the other two, women that we saw the solar eclipse, it also turned into a lunar eclipse. So in this current dtream, I had last night, I for some odd reason started to run, like I had this ability to run super fast. And so I was running to get to wherever I was supposed to go but I felt like I was running too fast. To the point where I was in a whole different state. It's starting to look it's going to be mourning where I was running to. In my view I just saw lots of trees and a body of water. It looks like I was more close to the shore, almost to a point where I felt like I was it Virginia or somewhere in the East Coast. It took me all night to get the other side of the United States. I couldn't find the place that I was looking for, and I knew where it was but at the same time I couldn't find it. Even though I was running and I felt like I was running so far so long that I wasn't quite sure where I was going. As I was looking up at the stars while I was running, in the distance I could see the sun rising. And then, I woke up. 

Not quite sure what all of the this means. These two dreams is kind of weird to me. Having this Sort of Solar and lunar eclipse type of dreams within a month blows my mind. I've never had an eclipse dream before. And so I feel like it's either mean a new beginning or it could be I'm gonna be overlooked or blocked by something or someone. I don't know. And I don'tunderstand it. All I can say is that this is very confusing. Um, Nothing really stands out to me. But having these 2 dreams within a month, I know the Lord is trying to tell me something, but I just don't know what it is.  When I had my first dream, it was a couple days before I was called again, to be in our Young women's presidency. I'm now the second counselor in the young woman's presidency and things was so much in a rush after I got recalled. After that dream a week later, I was trying to plan a young woman's camp, which I really thought it should have been canceled. But The bishop and the new young women's president wanted to go for it. So, she had all these ideas and stuff and it really didn't set well with us counselos. It was really hard to organize it because there was no structure and when we bring it up, she would tell us to do whatever we want to do. But For me, and the first counselor which is Sheila my sister-in-law, we couldn't really organize it, but we did our best. Even though Girls Camp was two weeks ago after, after all that happened, it was a little chaotic. It was very unorganized and many things out of place. The location was a nice place but you have to be prepared for it. We weren't prepared. Um, it was a struggle, a lot of money was put into it, you know, and it was very stressful and it was extremely hot. We went during the hottest time. Every day was 103 degrees even though we were near the beach area at Yuba Lake. But I still did not like it. I could not function but I tried my best. It just felt like everything was just kind of overshadowed with all this. She just made a lot of uncomfortable and dumb mistakes, that for me at that point, I didn't care anymore. I didn't care how my face look. I didn't care how I act. I just went there, I did my thing the best I can to be around the girls. But I know the Bishopric and the young woman's presidency saw and felt my frustration. I didn't hide it because I didn't want to hide it. Even though I was trying to be peaceful, I let them deal with the repercussion of my attitude. Why? Because I was putting myself on the line for an unorganized person, who didn't want to listen or know how to delegate when we're trying to help and did our best to not let this fail, but you know, it turned out okay. But to me, it was a fail. Even though on the next day at church, the girls who spoke in sacrament brought up a lot of my Spiritual activities, since that was the only productive thing they could do besides swimming.

 I feel like the eclipse probably was a reminder of me being overshadowed by a lot of the stupidity from this Presidency. I feel like the second part of the dream is probably what I feel about what my husband is doing now. With this new venture that he's trying his best to make a better life for us. And we're both out of our comfort zone, which it has to do with our finance. And so I feel like this is overshadowing our relationship because of the hardcore focus on understanding this new venture and putting up money. Honestly, we don't have the money, and we're hoping we'll get a good return. So from both of these dreams happening, maybe that's what it means of my scenarios. The new presidency experience and the new venture anxiety. That could be it, or it could be something spiritual. I don't know. So with this long post, hopefully I can re-edit some of these words so make sense as I post it on my blog. I know nobody reads it and I don't care. But I need to jott it down because one way or another, I have to record it since I dont write anymore in my actual journal because of arthritis. And I just have so much to say, but it's so hard to put in words or sometimes it's hard to just explaining it on paper. Well that's the end of my dreams and thoughts.

I hope this makes sense, since this was audio recorded and transcribe through an app. If not oh well.

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